The Paterson, New Jersey Area
in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s

The following photos were taken in
Oakland, NJ

The old schoolhouse on Ramapo Valley Road in Oakland, NJ.

A class at the school. The teacher, far right, is my great grandmother, Rosa Kretch Payne.

Downtown Oakland, where Ramapo Valley Road and the RR tracks cross.

Closeup of the large building at left. Possibly the Van Blarcom Hotel at 410 Ramapo Valley Road.

Possibly tenant housing for farm workers?

The following photos were taken in
Paterson, NJ

The drafting dept at Rogers Locomotive, Paterson. Note the gas light fixtures!

Another shot of drafting. I don't know who any of the people are.*

Beautiful winter shot of The Grand Falls in Pateson from below.

Pasaiic Falls in Paterson.

Presumabley the same location from upstream?

... and another?

Looking across the rooftops of Paterson toward Lambert Castle.

Hi-res closeup of Lambert Castle from the previous photo.

A stretch ofThe Morris Canal near the Paterson/Clifton border.

...and this is an enlargement of the fella staring into the canal.

I have no idea where the following photos were taken. I welcome any information.

Industrial area, almost certainly in Paterson.

Closeup of the buildings in the previous pic, and, yes, that is a cow lying in an open lot.

A lake, location unknown.

The same lake? What's that building?

Closeup of the main building in the previous photo. It's been IDed as a facility for harvesting blocks of lake ice for sale.

What appears to be a pavillion to the right of the main building.

A dam, possibley the Pompton Dam. Some emulsion has fallen off the glass neg.

Bridge over a railroad. Where?

Apparently freshly-laid tracks along a stream, coming...

... and going. This MAY be the tracks along what is now Paterson Ave in Midland Park.

Very damaged negative! This seems to be a railroad freight station.

The same station from another angle.

Zoomed in on what appears to be an open-top freight car

Probably the Pompton Dam after it breached during the flood of Oct 9, 1903
*Note: Negatives for the two pictures of the drafting room at Rogers are missing. These scans are from blue-line prints made on blueprint paper at an unknown time.

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